Replacement Nortel Desk Phones

Used Nortel Phones Equipment 

Nortel Phones

Nortel Replacement Phones

Norstar Replacement Phones 


List of Norstar Replacement Phones

Norstar T7316E Executive Phone
Nortel Meridian M39505
Norstar T7208 Replacement Phone
Norstar T7316 Replacement Phone
Norstar M7310 Replacement Phone
Norstar M7208 Replacement Phone
Norstar M7324 Replacement Phone
Norstar M7100 Replacement Phone


If you have an older Nortel Phone System, you understand how strong, reliable they are however overtime they do eventually fail.  We offer a complete source of Nortel Replacement phones and a Complete line of Norstar Replacement phones.  We offer Used Nortel Phones, and as well as Refurbished Norstar phones. 


If you need onsite Norstar Repair - Contact our associates at A.B.S 

Norstar Repair 

Nortel Repair

ABS Technicians 





What is the upgrade to the Nortel Phone System?

You have two solid upgrade paths for the Nortel phone system, the first is the Avaya IP Office in Line mode offered by TelcomPBX. They program it to act as much like the Nortel Phone System as possible.   The second is VoiceOne, it provides more features than Avaya as it is a Hybrid Cloud giving you the advantages of an onsite system like the Nortel but also the advantages of cloud as well.  The VoiceOne Hybrid Phone system is easy to use like the Nortel compared to other Cloud Phone Systems  TelcomPBX is a national provider and can be reached 877-690-7705


Do Norstar Phones need to be programmed to work on the phone system?

Many of the Norstar phones you purchase are Digital phones and the information for it work comes from the main Nortel Phone System.  As long as the phone originally existed.  If you are unable to figure it out TelcomPBX offers onsite support.  



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